Hello, thank you for visiting Amin©.
Amin© has been established as a business specializing in aluminum surface treatment equipment.
Our goal is to become the best in Korea and internationally in the metal surface treatment field in order to localize domestic aluminum surface treatment production equipment. We have secured a solid and indispensable position in the field
of aluminum surface treatment production equipment.
Moreover, we manufacture secondary battery copper foil facilities (ELECFOIL), and our technology regarding this
field is constantly improving. We expect our company to become the top in this field domestically and internationally
within 2 to 3 years.
Amin© places our clients as a priority based on our accumulated experience and knowledge.
We have established a positive corporate culture based on ‘leading by example’ and ‘total participation’. We promise that we will not cease to grow and develop as a transparent and steady company.
Thank you.